11.1Synchronization of character movement in a 3D game
Game playing synchronization of multiple hosts
Dead reckoning
This sample demonstrates how character movement synchronization works in a 3D world with visible field filtering and broadcasting of character positions using P2P.
11.2C/S and P2P Chatting
Client & Server communication and P2P communication.
P2P group generation and disassemble.
This sample demonstrates how users can connect to a server and chat with other players. Chat room creation and joining for a group chat is also included.
11.3Client Application Crash reporting
This sample demonstrates how crash reporting works - when client crashes, error data is sent to the server and server collects this data for further usage.
11.4Simple DB
Simple game database system using ProudNet DB. This sample demonstrates how DB is used for the following scenarios each time"run" button is pressed in the client program - game information loading, player character creation, item addition, property changes, character & item deletion, and loading cancel.
11.5MO game sample program
Game servers' server-client relationship
Entry server and clients
Lobby server and clients
Battle server and clients
This sample is considered a product level program, and can be used as a guide or in a real online game project with modifications.