Part XV.How to licensing my ProudNet

Authenticating licenses when installing a ProudNet library

Example of a ProudNet license key

Authenticating a ProudNet license on Windows and Linux servers (supporting Linux from version 1.7)

Example of running a Windows-only authenticator

- ※ In version 1.6 and earlier of ProudNet, you must enter the license key, not the path to the authentication file, when running PNLicenseAuth.exe.

Example of running a Windows-only authenticator

Verifying the ProudNet license (supporting Linux from version 1.7)

Example of running a Windows-only authenticator

Authenticating a ProudNet license using the Gui on Windows

PNLicenseAuthGui.exe execution screen

- If you already have a license installed, you will see its license information. If you do not have a key installed, you will see a blank screen.

- Press the Enter Key button to copy and paste the contents of the issued license key file into the opened window.

Copy the contents of the issued license key file and click the OK button.

-You can see the authentication process screen like below.

Authentication processing screen

- Once the authentication is complete, you will see the output “Validity : OK” at the bottom.

Authentication complete screen

- Press the Close button to exit.