7.Tutorial for Error Dump System Construction

1. DbgHelp Library Installation

2. Visual Studio Compile Option Setting

3. Example of Dump Server Production

#include "../../../include/ProudNetServer.h"
#include "../../../include/DumpServer.h"
#include "MyDumpServer.h"

class CMyDumpServer : public IDumpServerDelegate
    virtual void OnStartServer(CStartServerParameter &refParam) override;
    String GetDumpFilePath(HostID clientEnid, const Proud::AddrPort& clientAddr, CPnTime dumpTime) override;
    void Run();

void main(int argc, char* argv[])
    CMyDumpServer srv;

4. Example of Dump Client Production

Caution :

  • Dump client is not supported at mobile environment including smartphone.

  • You must initialize the dump system by using Proud.CMiniDumpParameter.

  • In case of Unicode programming model, you may define wide characters version of main function and argv & envp parameter for wmain function is wchar_t* type.

  • In case of MiniDumpAction_AlarmCrash and MiniDumpAction_DoNothing, need to shut down the program by calling return after route processing (route setting). Otherwise, infinite loop might occur.

The sample code that shows the steps of crashed application program sending its error data to server and server collecting such data.

For more detailed instructions of using this sample code, please watch the tutorial video from Nettention website, http://www.nettention.com/en/sample.aspx

The code can be found at <Installed folder>/Sample/SimpleMiniDump.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <atlpath.h>
#include "../../include/MiniDumper.h"
#include "../../include/DumpCommon.h"

using namespace Proud;

const int _MAX_PATH2 = 8192;
#define _COUNTOF(array) (sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]))

void GetDumpFilePath(LPWSTR output)
    WCHAR path[_MAX_PATH2];
    WCHAR drive[_MAX_PATH2];
    WCHAR dir[_MAX_PATH2];
    WCHAR fname[_MAX_PATH2];
    WCHAR ext[_MAX_PATH2];
    WCHAR module_file_name[_MAX_PATH2];
    GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, module_file_name, _COUNTOF(module_file_name));
    _tsplitpath_s(module_file_name, drive, _MAX_PATH2, dir, _MAX_PATH2, fname, _MAX_PATH2, ext, _MAX_PATH2);
    _tmakepath_s(path, _MAX_PATH2, drive, dir, L"", L"");
    wsprintf(output, L"%s%s.DMP", path, fname);

void AccessViolation()
    int* a = 0;
    *a = 1;

// void wmain(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int nRetCode = 0;
    int *data = 0;
    int menu = 0;
    WCHAR dumpFileName[_MAX_PATH2] = { 0, };
    CMiniDumpParameter parameter;
    parameter.m_dumpFileName = dumpFileName;
    parameter.m_miniDumpType = SmallMiniDumpType;
    switch (CMiniDumper::Instance().Startup(parameter))
    case MiniDumpAction_AlarmCrash:
        // 오류 발생으로 새로운 프로세스에서 덤프 파일을 생성한 후, 이 값이 return이 됩니다.
        // 생성된 덤프 파일을 메일로 보내거나 에러 창을 보이는 등 유저가 덤프 파일 생성 후, 처리해야할 작업을 처리해주시면 됩니다.

        // A dump file is created at a new process due to error occurrence and then this value will be returned.
        // After a user create a dump file, do works that need to be done such as sending a created dump file by email or showing an error window.

        // 因出现错误,在新的process中生成转储文件后该值将被返还。
        // 将生成的转储文件以邮件的形式发送,或可以看到 Error对话框的用户生成转存文件后,处理应处理的事即可

        // エラー発生により新しいプロセスからダンプファイルを生成した後、この値がreturnされます。
        // 生成されたダンプファイルをメールで送ったり、エラーメッセージが提示されるなどユーザーがダンプファイル生成後、処理すべきの作業をしてください。
        return nRetCode;

    case MiniDumpAction_DoNothing:
        // 유저 호출로 새로운 프로세스에서 덤프 파일을 생성한 후, 이 값이 반환됩니다.
        // 이 경우에는 아무것도 하지 말아야합니다.

        // After creating a dump file at a new process by calling a user, this value will be returned.
        // In this case, you should not do anything.

        // 因用户呼叫,在新的process中生成转储文件后,该值将被返还。
        // 在这种情况,不要做任何事情。.

        // ユーザー呼び出しにより新しいプロセスからダンプファイルを生成した後、この値が返還されます。
        // この場合何もしないでください。
        return nRetCode;

        // MiniDumpAction_None
        // 일반적으로 앱 실행 시, 이 값이 반환됩니다.
        // 여기서는 일반적으로 처리해야할 일을 처리해주시면 됩니다.

        // When executing apps, this value will be returned.
        // In this case, do works that generally need to be done.

        // 一般运行App时,该值将被返还。

        // 一般的にアプリ実行後、この値が返還されます。
        // ここでは一般的に処理すべきの事を処理してください。

    while (1)
        puts("MENU: 1. Access Violation('a')");
        printf("> ");

        menu = getchar();

        switch (menu)
        case 'a':
    return 0;