7.Making a log

7.1Writing a log in a file

Proud::CLogWriter class writes a log in a file.

As explained in The internal link is invalid., this function runs asynchronously.

The general usage is guided in below.

// Generate CLogWriter.
CAutoPtr<Proud::CLogWriter> logwriter;

// Let's make a log with two provided WriteLine function.
logwriter->WriteLine( Proud::TraceID::TID_System, L"시스템로그 입니다. );
logwriter->WriteLine( "%d번째 로그입니다.", 1 );

/* Let's change it to a new log file. If generating a new file fails, you can exceptionally manage it with Proud::Exception. */

7.2Recording a log in database

Proud::CDbLogWriter class helps recording a log in DB.

this function runs asynchronously.

In order to use this, you need to generate LogTable by executing LogTable.sql from Sample/DbmsSchema. How to build DBMS is guided in 샘플 데이터베이스 구축하기e.

The general usage is as followed..

// This function will handle error
class CTestLogWriterDelegate : public ILogWriterDelegate
    virtual void OnLogWriterException(Proud::AdoException& Err) override
        // ...

CTestLogWriterDelegate g_dblogDelegate;

void main()
    // ...
    // Fill in a value in CDbLogParameter.
    Proud::CDbLogParameter dbparam;
    dbparam.m_dbmsConnectionString = L"Data Source=localhost;Database=Log-Test;Trusted_Connection=yes";
    dbparam.m_loggerName = L"LoggerName";
    dbparam.m_dbLogTableName = L"DbLog";

    // Generate CDbLogWriter.
    CAutoPtr<Proud::CDbLogWriter> dbLogWriter;
    dbLogWriter.Attach(Proud::CDbLogWriter::New(dbparam, &g_dblogDelegate));
    // Let's add a new field that isn't supported by ProudNet.
    // WARNING!! When adding a custom field, you must generate a field in Log-Test Table of DBMS.
    // After making TestField in DBMS and setting int for datatype, generate CPropNode as shown in below and add it to WriteLine.    Proud::CProperty newnode;
    Proud::String TestField = L"TestField";
    Proud::CVariant TestValue = 123;
    newnode.Add(TestField, TestValue);
    dbLogWriter->WriteLine(L"Contents of Log", &newnode);
    // ...