You can also gain latency (ping time or lag time) between hosts from ProudNet.
Ping time that can be gained from using ProudNet is round-trip latency, in other words, it is time it takes to respond to a message between two different parties when a message is sent to one from another.
•Proud.CNetServer.GetLastPingSec, Proud.CNetServer.GetLastUnreliablePingMs, Proud.CNetServer.GetRecentPingSec, Proud.CNetServer.GetRecentUnreliablePingMs gain latency of one client from server
•Proud.CNetClient.GetLastUnreliablePingSec, Proud.CNetClient.GetLastUnreliablePingMs, Proud.CNetClient.GetLastReliablePingSec, Proud.CNetClient.GetLastReliablePingMs, Proud.CNetClient.GetRecentUnreliablePingSec, Proud.CNetClient.GetRecentUnreliablePingMs, Proud.CNetClient.GetRecentReliablePingSec, Proud.CNetClient.GetRecentReliablePingMs gain latency of other clients connected in P2P or server.