ProudNet IOS has been developed by C/C++. Library & Sample have been built at XCode4.3.3 Version. The following information is about how to include ProudNet Library in XCode Project.
Notes for using ProudNet at Xcode
• Add libiconv.dylib library. libiconv.dylib is the library that is basically provided from Xcode.
• It is because ProudNet has been developed by C/C++, ProudNet API cannot be used at m file. Need to change the extension to mm file.
• Need to add #include <new> to all mm files. This is based on the restriction that STL cannot be declared with header file at XCode.
• If link error occurs when adding ProudNet Library, you will be required to add the following options. The relevant options mean symbol will be loaded at all architectures.
When using -all_load –Objc option, link error relevant to "duplicate symbol" might occur. (cocos2d-x). In this case, use -force_load (instead of -all_load –Objc) at Other Linker Flags.
It is an example of using -force_load option at Other Linker Flags.