18.How to include a server as a peer - to - peer group member

From 12. P2P Group, you can add a server as a group member.This function becomes very effective when you want to send a message to peer - to - peer group and to the server simultaneously.

To enable this, a part where handles RMI calls(RMI stub) must be linked not only with client but also with server. Assuming there is a RMI function group called X.For server to receive a RMI call sent to peer - to - peer group, X::Proxy should be linked through Proud.CNetClient.AttachProxy and X::Stub should be linked through both Proud.CNetClient.AttachStub and Proud.CNetServer.AttachStub.

And then, server will be accepted as a member of peer - to - peer group when it is re - started after setting Proud.CStartServerParameter.m_allowServerAsP2PGroupMember as true.

When creating a peer - to - peer group or adding a member to an existing group, if you insert Proud.HostID_Server parameter, you can add a server as a member of peer - to - peer group.